Thursday, July 2

Academy of Applied Arts...

construction going outside the studio & the lift to go to the top floor

the door out & looking out the window from inside

looking down from the window in the center of the studio

School where our Printmaking class is taking place... it's an adorable building! We are in the "Penthouse Printmaking".. up on the top floor of this apartment building off Schwedenplatz.

drawing for my litography & my lithography plate after it's prepared

view out the window of one of the studios, overlooking a construction site

floors & this DEE-licious mango drink!

had a little picnic for lunch yesterday.. I felt festive because it was Dad's birthday & close to 4th of July (a picnic was going on at Webster campus for it, but we didn't get to go)
we had traditional 'Speck'.. it's like bacon that is smoked & cured, so you don't have to cook it, like salami & you eat it on toast with cheese, tomatoes & spread! so good! we also had berries, little sweet peppers stuffed with cheese, olives stuffed with cheese.. etc. awesome!

The big, ol' printmaking presses

another studio

view out the window

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