Tuesday, August 18

www.randomcollective.com will launch later this year

Random Collective • Orba Squara

You use a ton of different typefaces to convey Mitch’s observations and lyrics throughout the piece. How did you select what to use where? And how much of the lettering was of your own creation (you contributed to the book Hand Job)?

Cabaco: The landscape around us was definitely a reason behind the type choices, and the emotions of the writing as well. All the hand-drawn type is of our own creation. Some type is of our own creation, but crafted on the computer; others we bought from various type companies.

All the hand-drawn type was done by us and was heavily influenced by what we were seeing everyday. Some roughs, sketches and notes for the illustrations were drafted during the trip and then drawn and detailed later.

I took almost 30,000 photos during the trip, and we have lots more illustrations and hand-drawn type we ultimately had to leave out.

Are you at all concerned that web users won’t have the attention span for a 430-ft. scroll?

I really love this piece! The hand-drawn type is fanatic with this innovative idea of a scrolling story. I can't wait for the website to launch!

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